The history of Gimnaziya

School №5 was built in 1935 in Khabarovsk under the command of L.P. Beriya. It was opened in 1936 for the children who lived near the school and whose parents worked in the military system. During the 1943-1944 there was a military hospital, where the wounded soldiers of the Second World War passed treatment. However the school has renewed its work in 1945.

But in 1964 the school has changed her status and the teachers started to teach a line of subjects in English: English Literature, Technical Translation, Military Translation, so many children wished to act in it. The first release of guys with the profound knowledge of the English Language was carried out in 1969

The years passed. One generation of pupils was replaced by another and the good tradition has appeared - graduates of the school bring their children to the same school.

In the 90-s Gorbachev and Raygan have signed the agreement on exchanging pupils with America and our school got in number of the schools involved in this program. Trip was paid by the state, therefore many children wanted to participate in such exchange. In 1992 the school has officially received the status of a Gimnaziya, which is an educational institution that carries out a high level of teaching of the humanities. The administration has entered obligatory studying of the French language (from 7-th class) and studying of the specialized subjects in English (from 10-th class) four years ago.

There has been a well-qualified team of teachers for all years of teaching. 48 teachers work in our school. Among them 7 person are from 20 to 30 years old, 11 person are from 30 to 40 years old, 10 – from 40 to 50 years old and 20 people are from 50 years old and higher. 32 teachers who work in our Gimnaziya have the high qualification, 9 – have the 1st category, 5 – have the 2d category, one teacher is the master of sports.

Our Gimnaziya is one of the best in Khabarovsk. With the help of our teachers the pupils receive necessary knowledge. Moreover there are various additional occupations or the consultations which are carried out after the lessons, called to help children with study. Also there are different actions such as “Halloween”, “New Year”, The Day of Self – management” annually and others which take place in our Gimnaziya. However, pupils bring the initiative in public life of school too. They can share their ideas on an accomplishment and the offers, concerning all actions.

We love our Gimnaziya and try to do everything for its future and prosperity!


Hymn of Gimnaziya

Ни холод серых дней,
Ни ветер, ни усталость
Не смогут в нас найти
Приют свой и покой.
Новых больших идей
Эпоха нам досталась.
Распахнут целый мир,
В него с собой возьмём:
На «пятёрку» умение мыслить,
На «пятёрку» жажду мечтать,
На «пятёрку» желанье учиться
И Гимназию с номером «пять».
И радуг яркий свет,
И чистый купол неба,
И дружбу — сохраним
Под солнечным теплом!
Под стук своих сердец
Пойдем по жизни смело!
Распахнут целый мир!
В него с собой возьмем:
На «пятёрку» умение мыслить,
На «пятёрку» жажду мечтать,
На «пятёрку» желанье учиться
И Гимназию с номером «пять».
Будут нами рассветы гордиться!
И открытий страна будет ждать!
Мы сумеем к высотам пробиться!
Мы-гимназия с номером-«пять»!
Новых, больших идей
Эпоха нам досталась!
Распахнут целый мир!
В него с собой возьмем:
На «пятёрку» умение мыслить,
На «пятёрку» жажду мечтать,
На «пятёрку» желанье учиться
И Гимназию с номером «пять».
Будут нами рассветы гордиться!
И открытий страна будет ждать!
Мы сумеем к высотам пробиться!
Мы - гимназия с номером-"пять"!
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